Project Finished / Obscenely large tv

Breaking a rule here and mentioning work, but it looks like my project has finally wrapped up in it's initial form. Finally! I feel like I have my life back again, like I just dodged a death sentence! Been working some silly hours and I'm not proud, just happy it's over.

I wanted to be on the beach learning to surf, but the weather is terrible. So i went and bought a huge tv instead.

When I got the to the shop the assistant told me "I don't think the tv will fit in your SMALL blue car and neither do the boys in the back"! I was a little taken a back, but quietly confident when i asked how many people I'd prove wrong when it fitted! 3

Tomorrow, who knows. Maybe gym, call of duty or maybe even Gabriel :-) I wont know what to do with myself :-)


Anonymous said...

That's some pure awesome in the back of your car! Good reward for finishing a game.


Anonymous said...

Is that your new car that you've loaded the enormous tv into?

MacPurdys said...

Very nice Dan. Can't wait to get a TV myself!!

Nick and Mariana Vona said...

Nice TV!!!
I bet you are going to be very happy playing games on it =)
Is that the new car?
Cheers from CA..
Mariana & Nick