It's all down to luck...

My cousin recently posted this link on Facebook; his dad (my uncle) wrote it up a few years back from my grandad's old journals. I read it for the first time this evening and it made me think how lucky I am to be here....thanks Private Walter Boldock and all the others who have perished in the world wars.

Amy x


MacPurdys said...

Wow, that was a sad but amazing read. My GrandDad was in WW2 and he doesn't like to talk about it all. Unless he has had a few drinks. It definitely reminds us of how lucky we are and don't things for granted.

Cari said...

yeah! love the updates guys! can't wait to see more!:) ps. amy...lots of boots have found new homes in shops here...guess you guys are going to have to come back for another visit;)