Marathon -9 Weeks

Not a great week of running, but hopefully rescued today by a 28k. Unlucky for Amy, she has to listen to me moan about my sore legs all day!

Thanks to Tim for pointing me to it's a cool site and I've spent ages drawing out my routes! I'll try and work out how to get it on the blog, then I can stop boring everyone for the next 8 weeks!

Running these longer distances it's become apparent that doing the marathon is going to be as much of a mental battle as a physical one. I always picture myself successfully at the finish during the run, this seems to help a lot, staying positive. It's hard staying positive for that long though. By the last lap all I could think was thank f... it's the last lap, thank f... it's the last time I have to run past this stuff!

Sat:28k (2h36m)

Total: 49k

Good luck tomorrow Stacey :-)

My 7k loop. It's really good, hardly any roads or traffic, beautiful river and city views.

1 comment:

Cari said...

That's awesome Dan! That would be a average of 5 min 34 sec a km, good steady pace! If you can keep that pace for the whole race you'll finish in just over 4 hours. Your totally right, its just as much a mental race as a physical one. I've been told that after the 30km point your only thoughts is putting one foot in front of the other.
Good luck.
